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GT750 Engine Stand

Contributed by Mark 'Skid' Brown

At the time of writing (November 2018), Mark is the Treasurer and Membership Secretary of the UK based Kettle Club, and in issue 85 which appeared in Spring 2017 he did a short article on a design for an engine stand which he has been kind enough to agree to allow me to share here. And for the record, yes I am currently a KC member: my friend Gary Cobb talked me into joining and he can be very persuasive !

At any rate, the stand is made from 25mm X 25mm X 3mm angle and 30X 5mm flat bar steel as per the plans shown below. I've also included a photo showing an engine in the frame, and how you can swing the engine up to access the underside (just 'click' each photo to see a larger image). You can either weld or bolt it together, and while I admit that I haven't made one for myself, I suspect that if you bolt rather than weld, you could probably add a few extra holes and also use it for the GT550 and GT380.

If your skills do not extend to being able to do a bit of metal work, then you can also order one of these stands from Skid ! Just email him at this email address for cost and delivery.

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