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Big Blue

I personally think that the Candy Jackal Blue GT750 'J' was one of the best looking GT750's that Suzuki made. For some reason, they do not seem to be as common as the Candy Lavender ones, or even the Yellow Ochre ones here in Canada. The photo below is an example of what I hope to end up with as a final product.

  1. Starting Point
  2. Engine
  3. Tin, Frame and Wheels
  4. Other Things
  5. End Game

Starting Point

This bike is the assembly line mate to the one previous, having the next sequential frame number ! It is also in realy poor shape, but as the two bikes are sequential numbered frames and with the original engines, I've decided to try and do up both of them. This will obviously be a long term project. Below are a few photos of the new addition as found, and also one of the two together. Interestingly, while the frames are sequential, the engine in the later frame is a couple of numbers earlier than the engine in the earlier frame.

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