Its been a while…..

I just realised that I haven’t really done too much here for a while – in my own defence, I have been busier than a one armed paper hanger with the other sites I look after. In addition to my own site here, I have also recently updated and refreshed the Field Guide to the Suzuki GT750 which is now in its second edition. I have a third edition planned and in the works, but it will not be appearing will late in 2012, possibly 2013.

As  possibly some readers may be aware, I also have taken over responsibility for the Suzuki T and GT Resources site that used to be hosted on the web site and was originally compiled by ‘mraxl’ . This has been a very time consuming exercise as I had to verify and reformat all the existing material and then start to add in material I had been collecting for a while. It is far from complete, and I still have to go back in and optimise and give a consistent look and feel to the site as a whole, but it is starting to come together. As with the rest of the material hosted on my OJB site, the material will continue to be available for free, although I am happy to accept contributions of documents either in the public domain or from Suzuki.

In addition to the above, I also still maintain the web site of the local CVMG chapter here in Calgary (Rocky Mountain Section) plus I  share support duties for the national CVMG web site . This last has been and continues to be an interesting learning experience as it provides an opportunity to engage with a wide range of interests and skill levels. The most interesting aspects to date include getting the executive on a standardised email system and working with the different sections across Canada to help them establish their own individual web presences – I now have twelve mini-web sites operating under the national web site, each generating their own material and posting photos of local events. It has been interesting watching it develop.

In the shop – not too much, other than the addition or the 1967 CL77 Honda to the herd. This had been in a private collection and on display in the USA for many years and when the owner passed away, the collection was dispersed. I have been spending time recommissioning it – it didn’t really need too much at all and runs quite well. Other than adding a pair of new tires, time will reveal anything else it needs. I had been looking for one of these for many years in the original orange candy colour – naturally there is a story related to ‘why this bike’ which I may share at some point. Honda only built in this combination right at the end of the CL77 production – while the purists refer to it as a 1967, in Canada they were known as being the 1968 model, and they available in both a candy blue as well as this orange. You don’t see them often, but I personally think it was the best one of the model series.

On the bench currently is a 1975 GT750 engine I’m rebuilding for a friend, after which I will be completing the final finishing on the second engine rebuild of the 1973 GT750 project I finished last year (there is of course a painful story to go with this which will be shared later) and I also have the GT500 to finish breaking in, along with the new CL77. After all of that – I have a 1968 T500 Cobra to work on – should be interesting !

All in all, it promises to be a busy 2012 !

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