The summer is, yet again, blasting by faster than it has any right to and our safari to eastern Canada is drawing to a close. The main reason for our extended road trip was our younger son’s wedding in Toronto and it was excellent. The ceremony was very well done, the venue was exceptional, the weather cooperated, a good time was had by all, and the bride was lovely. We have known Hana for quite some time and are delighted for our two families to be joined together.
The venue was the McLean House on the Sunnybrook Hospital grounds, and I never would have guessed that Sunnybrook offered this sort of thing in addition to all the other services they provide ! My brother Stuart spent months at Sunnybrook many years ago and more recently his son was also treated there. It is quite the facility.
The McLean house is at the back of Sunnybrook and was a private home built in 1928 and lived in till 1966 before being taken over by the hospital. The fees charged for functions like weddings support the hospital, so it is a win-win all round.
The trip east also provided a plausible excuse for us both to drop in for a visit with our older son and his better half to see their new home ! It is a very comfortable place, in good condition and in a very nice location. And, something only another parent would likely understand I suppose, but it made my heart glad watching him mow his own lawn using his own lawn mower.
While we have been travelling I have been busy relocating my web sites to another hosting provider. I was with Netfirms and for the most part I can’t fault the service they provide, however I had started to notice that the site responsiveness had started to degrade during the past year. Added to this was the fact that the Canadian dollar has tanked relative to the US dollar and as all the fees were in USD this was starting to get annoying. The new hosting company I’ve moved to is WHC based here in Canada. So far they have been very helpful and the site management tools they offer are at least as good as the ones offered by Netfirms.
Moving the site and this blog provided me with an excuse to refresh a few things, as well as also requiring me to test everything to ensure it still worked so the exercise has been a good one, if not a bit tedious. Time will tell if the move was a mistake or a good idea !
We leave the place we rented on Big Bald Lake in the Kawarthas today for home. As always it is sad to be saying goodbye to the kids, but at the same time we are both looking forward to getting back to our own bed ! And of course SWMBO’d has some quilts waiting to be quilted, while I have some bikes that do need to be ridden !