The build continues – just steadily working through sub-components and checking and refurbishing as required.
The bearings on the points cover were shot, and so needed to be replaced. There are two, one of which (09262-30020) is no longer available from Suzuki so I buy both at a local bearing and seal supply place as they are standard sizes (SKF16006 and SKF 6302). The smaller bearing is held in place with a snap ring, but both are a tight fit. I heat the cover in our gas barbecue till they drop out, and then while everything is still hot I drop in the new ones.
The crankshaft I’m using is a later style from a 1976 or 1977 model engine, so it has the floating big end on the connecting rods. It has been fully reconditioned by Joe at RPM Services just south of Calgary. As a matter of interest, the new style crankshafts are 0.4 kg (0.89 lb) lighter than the older style due to the reduced width of the crank wheels. I’m also using the later style of starter clutch as I had several spare ones. The original design was changed in April 1972 beginning at engine 26030 and this is all described in service bulletin GT-4 which you can find at this link. I’m also using a later style points breaker cam. In the photo (just ‘click’ to see a larger image) you can see the older style on the left and the later style on the right. The newer style is 30 grams lighter as there is a notch in the wheel and the wheel itself is thinner.
The water pump drive gear was cracked as per usual – these are readily available from Suzuki in just about every country except the USA for some reason. Here in Canada they cost about $55 CAD so I just replace them. As well, I rebuilt the water pump and will be using the later style of clutch basket bearing having the needle roller along with new clutch plates and springs.
The transmission was ‘like new’ and needed no changes, so once I was sure it would shift through all the gears, I was ready to button up the cases. You can see some blue dye on the top case in the photo where I was checking for high spots and found some. This is the first time I’ve actually checked this fit using dye and there is a lesson there I’m sure. Normally I worry more about the cylinder and cylinder head fit because of the water jackets. I suppose I could have it skimmed at a machine shop, but I am hoping the base gasket will be enough to make the seal as I’ve never had a problem previously. I’m sure we will find out soon enough !