As mentioned this past February I have taken over the support of the Suzuki T and GT Resources web site located at this link, and since that time have been steadily adding material to it. While there is still quite a bit to be added, it has taken shape nicely with recent additions including:
- shop manuals covering the earlier Suzuki T10, T20, T305, T250 and T350 models, as well as shop manuals for the GT380 and T/GT500
- parts manuals for the GT250, the Japanese domestic market GT750 , and the North American GT750
- owner manual for the GT380
- an expanded section on service bulletins
- an owner provided section on various maintenance tips and tricks
- a video explaining how to convert the GT750 transmission to the later GS750 transmission
- an expanded frame and engine serial number listing specifically targeting the T and GT500 production
- and finally a miscellaneous section called ‘Odds and Sods’ for items that do not fit comfortably elsewhere
In the pipeline I have parts manuals for the GT750 covering regional differences for about twelve countries as well as for models sold to police forces in several countries. At the same time I am continuing to refresh some of the original material from the old ‘mraxl’ web site as well as my Internet book called the ‘Field Guide to the Suzuki GT750’ which is being expanded with additional sections and also additional photos.
A new venture I’m trying, is in collaboration with a fellow by the name of Murray in Australia. I have shared with him a load of T and GT500 material passed to me from many T and GT500 collectors, as he already has the most extensive source of T500 information available in one place globally. That data can be found on my own site here . As more material surfaces, both locations will continue to be updated.
All in all it is evolving nicely, and continues to be a free resource to those out there trying to keep these old heaps running, plus as a side benefit I seldom have time to be bored !